Useful resources:

Getting started with Hugo: Markdown cheat sheet: Yml documentation to understand syntax

Preparing your mac Go Git Hugo Visual studio code Netlify Fathom

  1. Install homebrew - /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" brew -v to see if it’s already installed
  2. Install git
  3. Install visual studio code, then open explorer and look for “Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH select.
  4. Install hugo - brew install hugo

Steps to creating the site

  1. Create Hugo site
  • cd into desired location
  • Create the new site with Hugo in terminal: hugo new site {site name} -f yml
  1. Pick or create a theme and upload into the site’s themes folder with git clone (if picking, check docs to learn theme’s capabilities - e.g. papermod): git clone themes/PaperMod –depth=1 Update config file - copy and tweak from previous.
  2. Test: Hugo server, then go to localhost:1313 in browser
  3. Add posts to the content folder: hugo new posts/{postname}.md (or copy generated files from smartsheet)
  4. Add pages: top level add straight into content, index.html goes into layouts with an file in content.
  5. Add images: site file > static > img > {paste} Editing theme: Copy exact folder structure for desired page in themes, copy to same on main site.


  1. Create git repo with site files - cd into folder then: git init
  2. Create gitmodules file: touch .gitmodules (copy/tweak another gitmodules)
  3. Sign into github through vscode, commit changes to public (cmd shift p)
  4. Once uploaded, go to Netlify interface and create a new site from git, connect to git, select repo, settings: Build command = hugo, Publish directory = Public, show advanced > HUGO_VERSION {get from terminal with hugo version command}, Save.
  5. Edit domain settings, point to netlify DNS from Hover, verify.
  6. Do A RECORD for plain domain, use @ for host
  7. Do CNAME for www domain, put www in host, url in other field
  8. Open site’s config.yml and update baseURL to match domain.
  9. Commit: git commit -m “{your message}”
  10. Push live: git push

showing ownership of repo in git with SSH keys (first site only)

  1. Generate key in terminal: ~ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “” {keyname}
  2. After pressing enter, give it a password
  3. Search for the key you just generated in terminal and ensure it was successful: ~ls | grep {keyname}
  4. View key: ~ cat {keyname: e.g.}
  5. Copy key: ~ pbcopy < ~ {keyname: e.g.}
  6. Make local machine aware of new key: Start ssh-agent in background: $ eval “$(ssh-agent -s)”
  7. Modify .ssh/config file:
  8. Check it’s in default location: $ open ~/.ssh/config - If not, create the file: $ touch ~/.ssh/config
  9. Open the file: vim ~.ssh/config
  10. Modify the config file to include the following: Host * AddKeysToAgent yes UseKeychain yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/{id}
  11. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent and store your passphrase in the keychain: $ ssh-add –apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/{id}
  12. Add the SSH key to your account on github: In github > settings > ssh and gpg keys > new ssh key > create a title and select type of key, paste key into “Key” field, click Add SSH Key.