Finding Broken Feature Images in Markdown Files with a Script

Introduction Do you ever struggle to keep track of all the feature images in your Markdown files? This script is here to help. The Purpose The main purpose of this script is to list all the broken feature images in your Markdown files. It searches for files with the “.md” extension within a specified directory and reads the contents of each file. The script then checks for the existence of feature images and extracts the image URL....

January 1, 2020 · 2 min
a screenshot of curtis fairweather masters thesis on b2b saas marketing with gamification

My Thesis on B2B SaaS Gamification & Marketing

Abstract This research explores the influence that gamification may have upon the behavioural intentions of new business software users towards the adoption of information technology. Many businesses operating within the business to business (B2B) software as a service (SaaS) industry experience a high rate of churn from new customers, particularly during the onboarding process. This is a phenomenon that can be linked to the compatibility of these systems with existing business processes and norms as well as their perceived complexity– many have a wide array of features on offer and a steep learning curve, that can cause anxiety or ineffective use among novice users....

January 1, 2020 · 4 min

Batch Update Frontmatter of Markdown Files with Python

Introduction As a content creator, you may have to manage a large number of Markdown files that contain metadata information in the frontmatter section. If you need to update this metadata in a batch of files, doing so manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. Fortunately, there’s an easier way to update the frontmatter of multiple Markdown files at once. This Python script searches for a specific value in the frontmatter of Markdown (....

2 min

Quick Image Scraping Process

Quick Image Scraping Process If you need to quickly scrape a large number of images from a stock image website, this process will help you do it efficiently. The process includes using a Chrome extension to extract the images, a script to convert the images to webp format, and a few manual steps to organize the images and update a blog generator. Requirements Google Chrome Simple Mass Downloader (Chrome extension) img-to-webp (Script to convert images to webp format) A folder to store the images during the process A website to host the images (if desired) Step-by-Step Guide Go to a stock image website such as Pexels or Pixabay....

2 min

Removing Image Information from Markdown Files

Removing Image Information from Markdown Files If you have a large directory of blog posts written in markdown format, you might find yourself in a situation where you need to remove specific lines from all of them. This script is here to help you with that. The script starts by defining two functions: remove_lines_in_dir() and remove_lines(lines). The remove_lines_in_dir() function is used to iterate through all files in the directory and call the remove_lines(lines) function on each markdown file....

2 min

Scraping Google Search Results with Python

Script for Scraping Google Search Results This Python script is designed to perform a Google search for a given phrase, scrape the top search results’ title, URL, and domain, and write them to a CSV file. The script also appends new results to an existing CSV file, making it easy to collect search results over time. How to Use Ensure that you have Python 3 and the required libraries (selenium, beautifulsoup4, tldextract) installed on your computer....

2 min

Sitemap Scraper

Sitemap Scraper This Python script is a simple tool for website owners and administrators to scrape a sitemap and extract all the URLs from it. A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on a website and is used by search engines to crawl the website. With this script, website owners can easily extract all the URLs from their sitemap and save them in a CSV file. Requirements Python 3....

2 min