Sitemap Scraper

This Python script is a simple tool for website owners and administrators to scrape a sitemap and extract all the URLs from it. A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on a website and is used by search engines to crawl the website. With this script, website owners can easily extract all the URLs from their sitemap and save them in a CSV file.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests (Python library for making HTTP requests)
  • BeautifulSoup (Python library for parsing HTML and XML)
  • csv (Python library for reading and writing CSV files)


  1. Run the script in your terminal/command line.
  2. Enter the sitemap URL when prompted.
  3. The extracted URLs will be saved in a CSV file named “sitemap.csv”.

Implementation Details

  • The script uses the requests library to fetch the sitemap HTML from the provided URL.
  • The HTML is parsed using the BeautifulSoup library to extract all the URLs present in the “loc” elements.
  • The extracted URLs are saved in a CSV file using the csv library. The file is named “sitemap.csv” and has a single column named “URL”.

Note: This script assumes that the sitemap has a standard XML format and that the URLs are present in “loc” elements. If the sitemap format is different, you may need to modify the code accordingly.

Download the Script

You can download the tool for free here: Download the script.